Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello Again! =)

Hello all my fellow blog readers!!! =) I'm sorry I haven't wrote on here so long. =( But anyway, I 'm on here again to update it.......although you guys are all probably friends with me on FB! Oh well!!! =)

So today I woke up at 6:15 am. I wanted to wake up at 5:45! That way I could have had 45 min to get ready rather than 15! Okay, you are probably wondering why in the world I woke up that early. (It isn't actually that early for most of ya but for me? YES!!!) Anyway, I went to the church. And from there we went to camp shipshewanna. There we raked leaves. There was TONS of them! When you think raking leaves you think not very fun,why? Well, for one our youth went together, that ALWAYS makes it lot's of pure FUN! And we just wanted to pitch in and help out the camp! They fed us lunch, and then we were off! And now I'm at home! Oh, home sweet home!!! =)

Good Bye ya'll! ( for now!) <3>

~Babbling Brook The Farm Girl <3


  1. I was wandering if the snow all melted before you started raking. <3

  2. hey!!! i havent talked to u for ever it seems like so u have a facebook now?? wow that cool i cant wait to get one in April!! haha Lol ok well i hope to cya soon! :)
